Alte Wurzhütte at lake Spitzingsee
Save paper with Vectron

Two and a half years ago, the Niedermüller family took over the previously leased "Alte Wurzhütte" on the picturesque Spitzingsee lake. The change of ownership went hand in hand with a comprehensive refurbishment. "The combination of tradition and modernity was crucial," explains Margot Niedermüller. Daughter Anna names the second, decisive consideration for the remodelling and reorientation: "The CO2 footprint in everyday life is very important to us."
As a result, Vectron was the chosen brand for the POS system. Together with connections to the DATEV interface, the kitchen video monitor and the seamless hotel software connection, they enable an efficient and paperless workflow.
Margot Niedermüller is particularly happy that the data exchange with her tax consultant via the DATEV interface works smoothly. This way she can remain true to her concept of a reduced CO2 footprint.
Anna Niedermüller is convinced by the mobile "POS M4" POS system. It's not just that so many routes through the spacious dining rooms can be saved. The POS M4 transmits the orders paperlessly to the monitors above the counter and in the kitchen. This way orders are usually ready for collection when she returns to the counter from the new dining rooms.
A stationary Vectron POS system is used for the smaller, historic dining rooms, which are located right between the bar and kitchen. It also communicates paperlessly and, like the mobile POS M4, can post orders directly to the hotel software. The additional printer connected here is only needed when external guests request a paper invoice or a catering receipt.