[Translate to English:] Die Kassensicherungsverordnung ist mit Vectron kein Problem

Tax compliant POS systems

Rely on Vectron

Find out here about the current legal status of POS systems. Rely on Vectron's experience:

  • More than 60,000 certified TSE delivered (as of August 2022)
  • Certified and legally compliant TSE
  • Years of experience with fiscal solutions
  • Successfully implemented fiscal requirements in various countries (e.g. Austria, Czech Republic, Romania, France, Portugal, Belgium, etc.)
  • Collaboration in the Fiscal working group in the DFKA (German Association for POS and Invoicing System Technology), cooperation with tax consultants and DATEV

Please mind the TSE deadlines and avoid high fines of up to 25,000 €!

Technical security device

Last TSE deadline 31.12.22

  • What is a TSE?
  • TSE certification
  • TSE POS systems

The Vectron solutions

With Vectron you don't have to be afraid of unannounced audits and penalties!

Here are our solutions so that you always cash in conformity with the tax office:

The myVectron Standard digital package: This digital package offers you one thing above all: digital security. Protect yourself in terms of tax, software and accounting. The included myVectron Fiscal Guarantee DE 2020 creates all software-related foundations to fulfil the legal requirements for the Cash Act 2020.

 MoRe about the digitaL PAcKagE


The fiscal package: Vectron provides free licence and software updates for new POS systems and those that were purchased after 01/01/2019. The fiscal package is a fee-based license package for POS systems purchased before 01/01/2019. It includes all the updates and licences that are required for the Kassensicherungsverordnung ("POS Security Ordinance").

 More about the Fiscal package


Tax compliant

By choosing Vectron POS systems, you do not take any risk. We even guarantee this in the statement below.

All the current Vectron POS systems meet the requirements of the German and Austrian fiscal authorities. In addition, Vectron bindingly guarantees that all newly delivered systems can be retrofitted with the technical security device required in Germany since 2020 according to the draft law. Tax compliant POS systems: with Vectron, of course!

about the GuARANTEE

Do you have questions?

For additional information please contact us by phone or via the contact form.

(Mon – Fri, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CET)